Saturday 14 January 2012

Nervousness can kill my focus

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Hi guys!

I want to talk about our discussion last meeting about nervousness. For me, i felt bit familiar about our discussion. Honestly many times, i've experienced fast heart beating, upset in my stomach and the most embarrassing, awkward 'ive done was shaking of my hands. Funny right? Well, obviously many of us experienced like that. I think it is normal for ordinary public speaker like us to be nervous especially in first time. I think one reason why most people tend to be nervous when they speak to public because they are usually not used to it and most, speaking in public are their weakness.

But in all of this effects of nervousness, i think maybe it has some ways on how to remove this. Here are some ways which i always do before my speech. I hope it can help you in your public speaking. First and foremost, practicing my speech 5x or more than i can actually help me to build my full self confidence and trust to my self that i know i can finish my speech successfully. Second, meditating my speech maybe 30min before my big event also help me to focus and clear my mind not thinking anything that can trigger to destruct my mind and last but not the least, the most important and i always remember before doing anything to perform in audience is to pray to our God. I know he can help me to remove nervous in my heart and guide me to achieve the successful of my performance.

Now i will talk about the possible topics i will choose in my coming speeches. In my persuasive speech, i want to talk about the social networking sites tend to destroys people's life. As a student, i want to explain my own feelings about social networking sites that can actually cause to destroy people's life. On the other hand i want to talk about in my informative speech about the history and types of Guitar because as a musician, i want to share some knowledge about instruments and especially the guitar which is one of my most skills.

 Basically that's all guys!
Thanks guys for reading and listening to my speech!
God Bless everyone!

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