Friday 13 April 2012

4th podcast


Today i will discuss about my evaluation on my persuasive speech.

honestly, I felt nothing but self confidence when i was speaking about my persuasive speech and i thought  i can complete my whole speech but sadly i didn't because of lack of time. I noticed i build more self confidence in my recent speech than the first one. I think it is because after my first speech, i well scanned the areas in my speaking that needed for improvement so that in my next speech i can improve them. The only thing i will improve on my future speech is my posture. Honestly i have sculiosis so its hard for me to stand straight  and walk properly.

Now i will talk about  How important is being organized, conducting research and rehearsing in the success of a public speaking performance.

First, Being organized helps us to make better use of time. It allows us to be more focus when speaking and direct our potential toward what it is in us we want most. Second, conducting research helps also when speaking. It broadens my knowledge about the topic i want to share to others and lastly, rehearsing. Rehearsing i guess and for me, is the most important thing in the success in public speaking. It helps to trained my skilled in speaking and i can monitor the areas that needed for improvement. 

Now i will talk about my three short list of my personal resolutions on my future speech.

I promised that i will begin practicing my speech 3 weeks from the main event so that i can improve the areas that needed for improvement. Second, i will improve my visual aids, removed unnecessary paragraphs and make a note cards instead of long sentences in the powerpoint so that the audience attention is still there and not to be get bored and last but not the least, i will continue practicing studying the topic deeply so that i can answer the questions from the audience.

i think thats all i can say, thanks guys for listening!! :)) GOD BLESS! 


Wednesday 21 March 2012


 SPEECH OBJECTIVE: I want to persuade people that steroids are not dangerous and we can get benefits from them.


A. Manny Pacquiao Responds To New Steroids Allegations From Mayweather and Mosley
B. What are steroids?


A. Drug is such a big issue in sports and health.
B. The common misconception of people that steroids are very dangerous once you have taken it.

A. History of Steroids
B. Different types and uses of steroids
C. Steroid abuse
D. Benefits from steroids


A. If steroids are legal in sports and health medicine, doctors and sports nutritionist can recommend steroids as an alternative supplements because it is cheaper and faster to work than other supplements.


A. Sports atheletes and people who want to be bodybuilders should educate themselves what is the right use of steroids and what are the dangers if abused so that they can prevent to abused steroid .

Erin J. Hill (n.d.). Medicine. What are the different types of steroids. Retrieved march 19 2012, from

Steven Downshen, MD (October 2010). Kids Health. Steroids. Retrieved march 19, 2012,from

Leo Reyes (May 14 2011). Bleacher report. Manny Pacquiao Responds To New Steroids Allegations from Mayweather and Mosley. Retrieved  march 21 2012, from

Sunday 18 March 2012


   SPEECH OBJECTIVE: I want to persuade people that steroids are not dangerous instead we can get benefit from them.


A. History of Steroids

B. Different types of Steroids

C. Proper Uses of Steroids


A. Drug is such a big issue in sports and health.

B. The common misconception of people that steroids are very dangerous once you have taken it.


A.To persuade people that steroids are not actually dangerous, they must first educate themselves what steroids are, how should we take it and prescribed dosage of each drugs.

A. If people knows what are the right purpose and how safe steroids are, people that needs steroids for specific purpose can take them without hesitations.


A. Government in different countries should conduct an educational program for drugs so that people should know what are right purpose of it.

Erin J. Hill (n.d.). Medicine. What are the different types of steroids. Retrieved march 19 2012, from

Steven Downshen, MD (October 2010). Kids Health. Steroids. Retrieved march 19, 2012, from

Saturday 3 March 2012

feedback about my informative speech, (3rd podcast)

Hello to my fellow classmates and miss diane! :)

First, how did my informative speech go? Well, basically it was a successfull speech. I handle my nervousness well because before my speech, i do some meditations, some stretching and last is praying to God. Aside from that, i practice a lot before my main event spending an hour and a half with my speech so that i can build my self confidence and trust to myself that i can finish my informative speech succesfully. On the other hand, i want to improve the two areas in speaking in public, my very bad posture and to lessen reading my manuscript to focus more on eye contact. I hope in my next upcoming persuasive speech that i can improve the areas in my speech which i want to improve succesfully.

Now i will state and answer the three questions i choose from my classmates.

1. First question from louraine manangat, want to ask if what is the difference between a common headache to a disease related one?

First of all, disease is sometimes called an illness, not a type of illness. Disease is not a type of illness. The types of diseases or illness are the common colds, headache, allergies and etc. The only thing that differs within the two is diseases or illness is a state of poor health and headache or cephalalgia is a type of disease which is pain anywhere in the region of the head or the neck.

2. Second question from Joshua teodosio, what family of virus does the rhinovirus belong?

Basically, Rhinovirus is a species in the genus enterovirus of the picornaviridae of viruses. Enterovirus is notable as one of the major causative agents for hand, nose, foot and mouth diseases and rhinovirus is belong to them.

3. Third question from Carlo martin chua, what is the difference between colds and flu?

The common cold and the flu are both respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms. So how can you differentiate between the two? The mainly difference between the two is their symptoms. 

Flu symptoms generally come on quickly and severely. Includes fever, which tend to be higher and last longer (3 to 4 days) than the occasional low-grade fever that may accompany a cold and body aches and severe tiredness or fatigue. On the other hand, Common cold symptoms gradually get worse over a few days. They are more likely to include runny or stuffy nose than the flu.
Often include a sore throat, while flu rarely does. May cause tiredness, but it is much less severe than the exhaustion that comes with the flu. They do not usually result in serious health problems and hospitalizations.

I think thats all  i can feedback to my informative speech, hope you guys enjoy listening to my posts. :) Stay tuned for more! God Bless!

Wednesday 1 February 2012

Common types of illnesses

Speech objective: i would like to explain briefly with my fellow classmates about some common types of illnesses caused by the rhinovirus and the deficiency of vitamin C in our body so that they can have an awareness on how to prevent them.

I. Introduction
A. Are you healthy conscious?
B. Presentation of the Survey
C. My personal experiences of some illnesses.

II. Body
A. Symptoms of common colds
B. Rhinovirus
1. What is rhinovirus?
2. Traits of the virus
3. How can rhinovirus get in to cell of the body
C. Kinds of foods that are rich in Vitamin C?
D. Ways on how to prevent it

III. Conclusion
A. Summary of the body
B. Closing

Friday 20 January 2012

My Topic, Importance Of Foods

I want to talk about in my informative speech about the importance of foods. Basically foods are one of the basic substance consumed to provide nutritional support for our body in order to have enough vitamins, important fats and calories to do our daily activities. I will discussed in my informative speech about the importance of foods, what is calories, how many calories should we take per day, is it enough to eat 3 times per day and lastly, what are the non essential fats that can lead to some heart diseases.

On the other hand, i will talk about my audience profile, basically most of them are fresh men college students like me, there age is close to mine maybe 16 to 18 yrs old, and i think their level of interests and priorities in their lives are foods, study, music and love life. I think they will be interested when i deliver my speech to them which is food that is basically most teenagers are fund of. I think they will gain and benefit some knowledge about my topic which is about the importance of foods which is basically all of the people are fund of.

I think thats all i can say about my topic, Thanks guys for listening! :)))))

Saturday 14 January 2012

Nervousness can kill my focus

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Hi guys!

I want to talk about our discussion last meeting about nervousness. For me, i felt bit familiar about our discussion. Honestly many times, i've experienced fast heart beating, upset in my stomach and the most embarrassing, awkward 'ive done was shaking of my hands. Funny right? Well, obviously many of us experienced like that. I think it is normal for ordinary public speaker like us to be nervous especially in first time. I think one reason why most people tend to be nervous when they speak to public because they are usually not used to it and most, speaking in public are their weakness.

But in all of this effects of nervousness, i think maybe it has some ways on how to remove this. Here are some ways which i always do before my speech. I hope it can help you in your public speaking. First and foremost, practicing my speech 5x or more than i can actually help me to build my full self confidence and trust to my self that i know i can finish my speech successfully. Second, meditating my speech maybe 30min before my big event also help me to focus and clear my mind not thinking anything that can trigger to destruct my mind and last but not the least, the most important and i always remember before doing anything to perform in audience is to pray to our God. I know he can help me to remove nervous in my heart and guide me to achieve the successful of my performance.

Now i will talk about the possible topics i will choose in my coming speeches. In my persuasive speech, i want to talk about the social networking sites tend to destroys people's life. As a student, i want to explain my own feelings about social networking sites that can actually cause to destroy people's life. On the other hand i want to talk about in my informative speech about the history and types of Guitar because as a musician, i want to share some knowledge about instruments and especially the guitar which is one of my most skills.

 Basically that's all guys!
Thanks guys for reading and listening to my speech!
God Bless everyone!