Wednesday 25 May 2011

history of computers

*HISTORY OF COMPUTERS by ronnier franz torres
 i studied about history of computers in my grade school, i think i was in grade 5 or 6. Well the first form of computer i learned  is the abacus invented by the chinese and that was 5,000 years ago. Also it is the first the manual data processing device which has a function to compute arithmetic computations which is used by manipulating the beads and the rods. I learned also the other type of computer is the pascaline invented by Blaise pascal in 1642. Pascal is only 18yrs old when he invented the pascaline and he is the son of a french tax collector. Well basically, the function of the pascaline i studied was only addition.

CHARLES BABBAGE (dec 26 1791-octo 18 1871)The computers as we seen today began with an English mathematics professor, and also the father of computer was Charles Babbage. Babbage's first attempt to solve a problem was proposing a machine to perform differential equations. He called it Difference Engine. After working in this device for 10 years, babbage suddenly inspired to begin work on the first general purpose computer, which he called it the Analytical Engine.

*EAM (electromechanical accounting machine)
it gaves the new age of inventions through the use of electromechanical devices such as the electric relays switches.

*ABC (Atanasoff-Berry Computer)
ABC was invented by John V. Atanasoff. Electronic digital computer together with his friend clifford berry, built a prototype of an "electromechanical digital computer" (formerly called before ABC). it is used for electronic vacuum tubes for computation.

*ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator)
was the first purpose invented, all electronic digital computer. It was built by John Presper Eckert, jr and John W Mauchly. And ENIAC introduced to the world the FIRST GENERATIONS OF COMPUTERS.

 and that is the reasons why the series of the generations of the computer began and introduced.


First generation computers (1951-1959)
With the beggining of the korean war in 1950, the different kinds of computations not only the arithmetic functions, increases greatly. UNIVAC was first introduced in 1951, it is the first commercial computer. The use of the vacuum tubes was the major innovation in replace of replays as means of storing data in memory and also the stored-program concept. I understand also that the vacuum tubes made the computers so much faster and powerful than any of its predecessors, (processors) that it has a several faults or mistakes.

Second generation computers (1959-1964)
In this generations i think the computers made smaller, faster and more reliable for specific task and much greater capacity. Solid state components (transistor and diodes) and alos the magnetic core made the second generations of the computers. The transistors performs the same function as a vacuum tubes except that electrons move through solid materials instead of through the vacuum. Built in error detecting devices were installed and more important things were developed to easily store input/output devices and retrieve data from the computer.

Third generation computers (1965-1970)
In this generation the Intergrated solid-state circuitry improved the secondary-storage devices, and also new input/output devices were the most important advances in this generations.

Here are the first integrated circuits:

  • Small-Scale Integrated circuits (SSI), it can have a 10 devices per circuit.
  • Medium-Scale Integrated Circuits (MSI)
  • Large Scale Integrated Circuits (LSI), it can have a thousands of transistors on a single chip. 

Fourth generation computers (1970-Present)
The major innovations and changes happened in this generation. For example the development of microelectronics and in the development of the computer technology such as the multiprocessing, multiprogramming and the memory storage capacity. The use of INTEL developed in this generation. Because of the microprocessor, this generation includes large computers in the past generations made faster, much less expensive, and of much greater data processing capacity than the sized of the past generations specifically the third generation computers.

Fifth generation computers (present-future) Artificial Intelligence
Many computers in this generations were fully developed when it comes to different areas of the system of computers such as the processors made faster, the memory capacity made it super large that even a multi-files can fit. I think the goal of this present generation is to make a computer more capability for learning purpose like the World Wide Web(www) and internet of course, a multitasking program and also self organizations.

 reference my books

1 comment:

  1. hey it was very good job. for you in a college student, you provided us a helpful information that is very important. I just made my term paper there. thanks alot!

    Jed Amiel San Jose
