Friday 13 April 2012

4th podcast


Today i will discuss about my evaluation on my persuasive speech.

honestly, I felt nothing but self confidence when i was speaking about my persuasive speech and i thought  i can complete my whole speech but sadly i didn't because of lack of time. I noticed i build more self confidence in my recent speech than the first one. I think it is because after my first speech, i well scanned the areas in my speaking that needed for improvement so that in my next speech i can improve them. The only thing i will improve on my future speech is my posture. Honestly i have sculiosis so its hard for me to stand straight  and walk properly.

Now i will talk about  How important is being organized, conducting research and rehearsing in the success of a public speaking performance.

First, Being organized helps us to make better use of time. It allows us to be more focus when speaking and direct our potential toward what it is in us we want most. Second, conducting research helps also when speaking. It broadens my knowledge about the topic i want to share to others and lastly, rehearsing. Rehearsing i guess and for me, is the most important thing in the success in public speaking. It helps to trained my skilled in speaking and i can monitor the areas that needed for improvement. 

Now i will talk about my three short list of my personal resolutions on my future speech.

I promised that i will begin practicing my speech 3 weeks from the main event so that i can improve the areas that needed for improvement. Second, i will improve my visual aids, removed unnecessary paragraphs and make a note cards instead of long sentences in the powerpoint so that the audience attention is still there and not to be get bored and last but not the least, i will continue practicing studying the topic deeply so that i can answer the questions from the audience.

i think thats all i can say, thanks guys for listening!! :)) GOD BLESS!