Wednesday 21 March 2012


 SPEECH OBJECTIVE: I want to persuade people that steroids are not dangerous and we can get benefits from them.


A. Manny Pacquiao Responds To New Steroids Allegations From Mayweather and Mosley
B. What are steroids?


A. Drug is such a big issue in sports and health.
B. The common misconception of people that steroids are very dangerous once you have taken it.

A. History of Steroids
B. Different types and uses of steroids
C. Steroid abuse
D. Benefits from steroids


A. If steroids are legal in sports and health medicine, doctors and sports nutritionist can recommend steroids as an alternative supplements because it is cheaper and faster to work than other supplements.


A. Sports atheletes and people who want to be bodybuilders should educate themselves what is the right use of steroids and what are the dangers if abused so that they can prevent to abused steroid .

Erin J. Hill (n.d.). Medicine. What are the different types of steroids. Retrieved march 19 2012, from

Steven Downshen, MD (October 2010). Kids Health. Steroids. Retrieved march 19, 2012,from

Leo Reyes (May 14 2011). Bleacher report. Manny Pacquiao Responds To New Steroids Allegations from Mayweather and Mosley. Retrieved  march 21 2012, from

Sunday 18 March 2012


   SPEECH OBJECTIVE: I want to persuade people that steroids are not dangerous instead we can get benefit from them.


A. History of Steroids

B. Different types of Steroids

C. Proper Uses of Steroids


A. Drug is such a big issue in sports and health.

B. The common misconception of people that steroids are very dangerous once you have taken it.


A.To persuade people that steroids are not actually dangerous, they must first educate themselves what steroids are, how should we take it and prescribed dosage of each drugs.

A. If people knows what are the right purpose and how safe steroids are, people that needs steroids for specific purpose can take them without hesitations.


A. Government in different countries should conduct an educational program for drugs so that people should know what are right purpose of it.

Erin J. Hill (n.d.). Medicine. What are the different types of steroids. Retrieved march 19 2012, from

Steven Downshen, MD (October 2010). Kids Health. Steroids. Retrieved march 19, 2012, from

Saturday 3 March 2012

feedback about my informative speech, (3rd podcast)

Hello to my fellow classmates and miss diane! :)

First, how did my informative speech go? Well, basically it was a successfull speech. I handle my nervousness well because before my speech, i do some meditations, some stretching and last is praying to God. Aside from that, i practice a lot before my main event spending an hour and a half with my speech so that i can build my self confidence and trust to myself that i can finish my informative speech succesfully. On the other hand, i want to improve the two areas in speaking in public, my very bad posture and to lessen reading my manuscript to focus more on eye contact. I hope in my next upcoming persuasive speech that i can improve the areas in my speech which i want to improve succesfully.

Now i will state and answer the three questions i choose from my classmates.

1. First question from louraine manangat, want to ask if what is the difference between a common headache to a disease related one?

First of all, disease is sometimes called an illness, not a type of illness. Disease is not a type of illness. The types of diseases or illness are the common colds, headache, allergies and etc. The only thing that differs within the two is diseases or illness is a state of poor health and headache or cephalalgia is a type of disease which is pain anywhere in the region of the head or the neck.

2. Second question from Joshua teodosio, what family of virus does the rhinovirus belong?

Basically, Rhinovirus is a species in the genus enterovirus of the picornaviridae of viruses. Enterovirus is notable as one of the major causative agents for hand, nose, foot and mouth diseases and rhinovirus is belong to them.

3. Third question from Carlo martin chua, what is the difference between colds and flu?

The common cold and the flu are both respiratory illnesses with similar symptoms. So how can you differentiate between the two? The mainly difference between the two is their symptoms. 

Flu symptoms generally come on quickly and severely. Includes fever, which tend to be higher and last longer (3 to 4 days) than the occasional low-grade fever that may accompany a cold and body aches and severe tiredness or fatigue. On the other hand, Common cold symptoms gradually get worse over a few days. They are more likely to include runny or stuffy nose than the flu.
Often include a sore throat, while flu rarely does. May cause tiredness, but it is much less severe than the exhaustion that comes with the flu. They do not usually result in serious health problems and hospitalizations.

I think thats all  i can feedback to my informative speech, hope you guys enjoy listening to my posts. :) Stay tuned for more! God Bless!